The United States Steel Import Review

Recently, the Trump government on foreign steel import review incident caused big roar. As a professional manufacturer of seam steel pipe, steel springboard, pipe, galvanized pipe, open flat and other products production, Shinestar always pay close attention to the development of the event and think that the United States violated the principle of fair trade.
Although the main steel import source of US is not China, President Trump said the survey is not aim to China, but China's steel export enterprises are be affected.
According to the US Department of Commerce statistics, in 2016, the United States imports 789,000 tons of steel from China, accounting for only 2.6% of US imports; the amount of 910 million US dollars, accounting for 4.1% of imports of steel. According to China's official statistics, in 2016, China's exports to the United States accounted for only 1% of China's exports, accounting for 3% of China's steel exports.
Although China's steel exports to the United States is limited, but because China's exports to the US steel is not the high-end steel, most of them are crude steel products with low price, once the US Department of Commerce think that China's exports to the United States steel "dumping" they will take high imposition tariffs on China's steel, which also undermine China's steel exports.
About the US did the survey of imported steel, China Iron and Steel Industry Association spokesman said, the US doing protectionist signal, and it against the principle of fair trade, the Chinese steel industry will keep a high concern on it.
Increasing exports to China and narrowing the trade deficit between China and the United States has always been the most important trade demands of the Trump government. However, if the US government continue to ask China to open up the market, increase exports of US products to China, while build trade barriers to curb Chinese products into the US market, then the Sino-US trade between the tension and even friction will continue for a long time, which may also damage the " Hundred Days Plan" between two countries which to actively promote economic cooperation.
Chinese Ambassador at US Cui Tiankai recently said that the "Hundred Days Plan" can solve some problems, but "this should be a common action plan, and should not be need list for a party to the another", must be vigilant some people and groups economic and trade issues attempt.
As a member of the international steel trade market, Shinestar always adhere to the principle of fair trade. In the future, Shinestar will continue to work hard, and constantly develop high-quality spiral pipe, spiral steel pipe, scaffolding plank, large diameter spiral pipe, open flat and other products to expand the international market.



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