Tower-Frame Scaffolding

Tower-frame scaffolding is a particular form of prefabricated scaffolding. They incorporate fabricated frame units constructed as single-bay towers.
Mobile tower-frame scaffolding is mounted on castors for ease of relocation between uses.
Who can erect and dismantle tower-frame scaffolding?
If the fall-height from the scaffold’s top working platform will be more than 4 metres, anyone erecting, altering or dismantling the scaffold at a workplace must hold an appropriate scaffolding certificate of competency, or be a trainee under the direct supervision of a certificate holder.
The minimum nationally uniform certificate class required is basic scaffolding (class code SB).
A certificated scaffolder directly supervising a trainee must be specifically authorised by the employer to oversight the trainee.
If the fall- height from the top platform will not exceed 4 metres , then a person who has been adequately trained and instructed in the erection and dismantling of that brand and model of scaffolding system may carry out the work.



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