Remenber to Check and Inspect the Frame Scaffolding Before Using

Remenber to Check and Inspect the Frame Scaffolding Before Using
Frame scaffolding, the last step acceptance is very important, is one of the most important in the construction projects, after acceptance of fully qualified rear can use. Building construction, inside another program is for the sake of safety, things only do meticulous, the frequency of the accident is reduced more than half. People is live tools is dead, and install into what is what appearance, test is the only standard, here to tell you what are the requirements about strong frame scaffold acceptance specification?
Height under the 20 m and 20 m scaffolding, project organization, head of the technology by the unit security personnel inspect acceptance; Height is more than 20 m scaffold by engineering technology with the progress of the organizational unit in stages, head of the project director and relevant acceptance technology security personnel to check.
1, the acceptance should have the following documents:
The necessary construction design documents and assembly diagram; pre galvanized door frame scaffolding parts factory certification or quality grading qualified; Record and quality inspection of the scaffold construction; Major issues of the scaffold erection and processing records; The construction of the scaffold inspection report.
2, scaffolding engineering acceptance, in addition to examine relevant documents, should also be on-site audit. Selective examination should focus on the following, and construction acceptance report:
Whether secured, whether complete, the fastener tighten, qualified; Safety net hanging and armrest Settings are complete; Whether level off solid; Even the wall bar set ever missed, if they are complete and conform to the requirements; Verticality and levelness is qualified.
3, the levelness of the scaffold:
Bottom step scaffolding deviation should be along the wall of the longitudinal level L / 600 or less (L is the length of the scaffold.



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