Construction scaffolding demolished and matters needing attention

Construction scaffolding demolished and matters needing attention

(1) demolition job according to the erection job instead procedures, follow from top to bottom, to build after the demolition, to dismantle the principle of first, after the first rail, scaffolding, bracing, tear open a small bar, bar, after poling, etc., according to the principle of a clear step in turn;
(2) it is strictly prohibited to up and down on at the same time;
(3) open poling, should first hold stud again open the last two buttons. Tear open the ledger, bracing, should first open the middle button, and then hold the middle, and end clasp solution;
Rod (4) the wall in the upper bar after the demolition (except stretch up poling) can be torn down;
(5) loosen the fastening of the flat bar should be removed at any time, must not loose on the shelf;
(6) removed long bar should be two people work together, in order to avoid mistakes when working alone.
(7) remove the bar should be lifting to the ground, may not throw down;
(8) to the ground rod parts should be specified location, increases with the increasing demolition, classification, pattern on the day on the day of the qing dynasty.



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