Steel prop the key points of construction supervision have?

Steel prop the key points of construction supervision have?
1. Steel installation
When digging to support construction of coal face, the first line of support on the cover retaining pile capping beam hew embedded iron, the welding carriage, and determined the way support and reinforced concrete ring beam on the head on both ends of the contact point, to ensure that the support with the reinforced concrete ring beam vertically, location, appropriate measure support length between two corresponding contact to check the ground already assembled a good support.
According to the requirements of design, foundation pit excavation should make full use of the "time-space effect", in the process of excavation, according to the particularity of tub excavation method, digging shall comply with the design requirements, the installation of the steel support and prestress applying must be completed in eight hours; And ShiJiaGang supported prestressed.
All nodes must be in strict accordance with the design and specifications require the use of welding or bolt connection, and in accordance with the local design requirements and technical specifications and codes set the stiffened plate.
2. Add and removal
Wai purlin concrete strength to meet the design strength 70%, before erection of the steel support, digging should follow the principle of "dig" after the last;
Floor, the floor must be set between the retaining piles and reliable power transmission belt, for power transmission belt to meet the design strength of 80% before dismantling the corresponding support.
Dismantling support must strengthen monitoring, timely notification, by the designer should dismantle process with related parties to work with.
3. The installation of the steel support deviation should be allowed to meet the following rules
A. steel support axis vertical deviation: + 30 mm;
B. support horizontal axis to deviation: + 30 mm;
C. supported on both ends of the elevation difference and horizontal deviation: no more than 1/600 of the 20 mm length and support;
D. support deflection: not more than 1/100;
E. the deviation of pillar of support and: + 50 mm.



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