The removal of housing construction project: the scaffold construction technology

The removal of housing construction project: the scaffold construction technology

Disassembly procedures shall comply with the top-down, to build after the demolition of the principle, general demolition order: safety net - rail - scaffolding to bracing, lateral horizontal pole to longitudinal rod, rod.
No discrete surface split or disassemble frame at the same time in the upper and lower two steps. Do it step by step, a rod. Tear open poling, want to embrace poling first, then open the last two buckle. Demolition of longitudinal rod, brace, bracing, should first open the middle buckle, then hold the middle, and end button. All the wall bar and so on must be demolished with scaffolding synchronization, it is strictly prohibited to even the wall again after a whole layer or layers of dismantling scaffolding.
Piecewise demolition of elevation difference should not be greater than 2 steps, such as the elevation difference is greater than the step 2, should add the wall reinforcement.
Should guarantee the stability of the demolition of a rack body was not damaged, even the wall rod was demolished before, should be added a temporary prop to prevent the deformation and instability.
When the last long steel pipe scaffold to lower down the height (6 m), should be in place after pitching cast temporary reinforcement to tear open the wall.



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